
Whisky & Blues

Copenhagen Distillery
En whiskysmagning tilsat lidt sjæl og blues.
Copenhagen Distillery, Kløvermarksvej 70D, 2300 København S
26-10-2023 - 19:00
åbner 26-10-2023 17:30til 26-10-2023 19:00

Whisky tastings meet soul-stirring blues, an evening that's music to your palate and ears. Curated by our master distiller Lasse Öznek, the whisky tasting sets the stage. Between savoring each dram, let the live blues band fill the air with groove, playing throughout the evening until they decide it's time for the last note.

  • Standard
    Ledige pladser: 18
    • Normal
      450,00 DKK
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