Bild: Rosa

Sympuls Silvester

Freizeichen (Artik), Haslacher Straße 43, 79115 Freiburg im Breisgau
01.01.2024 - 01:00
ab 01.01.2024 01:00 Uhrbis 01.01.2024 07:00 Uhr

Sympuls Silvester

Impuls-Crew and Sylp-clique join forces to host a special new years evening party.

NO space for racism, sexism, homo – or trans*phobia and any other form of discrimination!

Sympuls residents all night long!

Lineup tba. Some specials are waiting for you!

01.01.2024 // 01:00 - 07:00

We are looking forward,
come over and dance with us all night long!

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inkl. USt. und Versandkosten