Bild: American Improv

American Improv's Netflix and Chill

Aera, Gonzagagasse 11, 1010 Wien
09.09.2024 - 21:15
ab 09.09.2024 21:05 Uhrbis 09.09.2024 21:15 Uhr

See some of Vienna's most talented improvisers perform parodies of your favorite movies and TV shows. You decide which shows you keep binging and which shows gets canceled. Everything that happens on stage is inspired by your suggestions, has never been seen before, and will never be seen again. Get ready to laugh out loud!

About American Improv

American Improv is Chicago-style, organic, and story-driven improvisational theater in Vienna, Austria. Play and learn together with supportive people in a safe space. Learn how to fail with confidence and still deliver a winning performance. Tell stories that move the audience and create an epic tale with your partners on stage. Meet like-minded people and build friendships that last a lifetime. Find out more at www.americanimprov.com.

Audience Reviews

"They made me laugh so hard that my cheeks hurt badly by the end. I can't wait to go to see them again and I'll surely sign up for their 101 class." - Katalin, Vienna

"The shows are amazing - funny, crazy, creative! I´m a semi-regular and it´s always such a great Monday evening for me - totally recommend :)" - Lukas, Vienna

"You were amazing! We will definitely come again! - Dijana, Vienna

"I especially like how you can see how much fun they are having and how well they harmonize as a team and support each other!" - Albert, Vienna

This is an English-language event.
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    • Normalpreis
      21,00 €
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